I love photographing bald eagles. -- That moment when you see their huge wingspan in the sky, or spot their white head in the dark green of a fir tree.
During my 2019 trip, I spotted and photographed more eagles than in previous years, especially one that seemed to be really active and based at the edge of Third Beach (always perched at the top of the very same tree). I nicknamed it "Archibald", and it features several times in this gallery – including one spectacular dive it made for a fish in the middle of a sunny day on Third Beach, that caught me and a couple of swimmers totally by surprise! :)

Bald eagles & young bald eagle (Grouse Mountain).

Between Second Beach & Third Beach (Stanley Park).

Sequence above: I had been observing that bald eagle in Stanley Park for about an hour, as it was perched at the very top of a tree between Second Beach & Third Beach. -- The light was beautiful, the sky was perfectly blue... And out of nowhere, a crow appeared and attacked the eagle to chase it away. The full sequence was awesome to watch. And the tiny size of the crow, compared to the massive size of a bald eagle, made it even more fascinating to watch and photograph.

Bald eagles in the sky: Bowen Island, English Bay & Grouse Mountain.

Third Beach: "Archibald", diving in the middle of day to catch a fish.

Galiano Island.

Seagulls and crows trying to chase away a bald eagle attacking their nests.
(above English Bay Beach)